Meeting Rooms

Meeting Rooms







            LIBRARY POLICY: Priority is given to educational programs sponsored by the library.  If not reserved for library purposes, community groups are encouraged to use the meeting room for educational, cultural, civic or professional purposes.


Requests for reservation of the meeting room should be made at the circulation desk.


No charge is made for non-profit civic organizations; there will be a $25 charge/4 hours or less and $50 charge/over 4 hours for all other uses.  Use of the facilities is subject to the following rules:


1.     With prior permission of the librarian, meals and/or light refreshments may be served in the room.  Alcoholic beverages may not be served.  Preparation of food may not be done at the library


2.     Sponsoring groups are responsible for exercising reasonable care in the use of the meeting room.  Food and refuse should be deposited in the container provided.


3.     If a group wishes to use the room at a time when the library is not open, special arrangements for securing and returning the key and locking the door must be made with the librarian.


4.     The party making the reservation is responsible for clean-up following use, and will be held responsible monetarily for any damage to the building and equipment.  Additional charge will be assessed if necessary to cover abuse.


5.     Responsibility for setting up and taking down tables and chairs rests with the group using the library.  The room must be left in the same condition as found, and vacuumed if necessary.


6.     An adult leader must be present at all times for youth groups.


7.     No smoking in the library.


8.     The Library Board reserves the right to amend these rules at any time without advance notice.